Welcome to the Procurement Management Unit (PMU). The Procurement Management Unit (PMU) was established per the Public Procurement Act Cap 410. This is headed by the Head of the Procurement Management Unit and directly reports to the Rector. The unit is competent and certified by the PPRA to be able to provide services in procurement, storage, supply of goods and services and disposal of assets for the Institute. The objective of the Unit is to coordinate all procurement and store activities of the Institute.
NAME | Designation | Specialization |
Mohamed Manzimohamed.manzi@nit.ac.tz |
Senior Supplies Officer I |
N/A |
Allen Athanasallen.athanas@nit.ac.tz |
Supplies Officer I |
N/A |
Anna Luhwavianna.luhwavi@nit.ac.tz |
Supplies Officer II |
N/A |
Castory Ngoyecastory.ngoye@nit.ac.tz |
Procurement Officer II |
N/A |
Debora Moshadebora.mosha@nit.ac.tz |
Supplies Officer II |
N/A |
Mary Mushimary.mushi@nit.ac.tz |
Procurement Officer II |
N/A |
Nasibu Mihadinasibu.mihadi@nit.ac.tz |
Supplies Officer II |
N/A |
CPSP. Moses Magerehead.pmu@nit.ac.tz |
Head PMUHead PMU |
N/A |
Ms. Venossa Olomivenossa.olomi@nit.ac.tz |
Supplies Officer I |
N/A |
* On study leave
** On external appointment/career advancement leave
*** On any other leave